Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rebirth of Slick....

Age is not a restriction, location is not my excuse... Time to find my voice through all this nonsense and say fuck it, what do i have to lose?

Who's coming with me?

Worthy of a second look..

When thumbing through your songs this weekend, take a minute to nod your head to Outkast.

Its funny I lost sight of the group until an old friend helped me reconnect (through a slick rick song of all things), haven't stopped listening since. They are real deal icons who have lead, not followed nor conformed to trendy nonsense. Everything they produce is unique and no two albums sound alike.

Real style and badass vision for what music should sound like.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Complicating matters are two million pounds' worth of Grade A ecstasy"

Layer Cake speaks to London's style, elegance, and grit. Note Mr. X's (Daniel Craig) badass bed, Gene's loft, and obsess over the attention to detail. Everyone knows their place as roles are believable and well defined. In Matthew Vaughn's directorial debut (of Lock Stock Fame) you see his enormous potential to do great things in the future.

Watch the movie, listen to the soundtrack, fall in love with Sienna Miller and freak out like Morty in a coffee shop.

Oh yea and despise the ending.

One of my favorites for so many reasons.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What its all about...

I first saw this video at a Jimmy Buffet Concert in NY's Madison Square Garden some 2 years ago. He closed out to this video featuring two recently deceased music gods. I really remember it being a classy move and a pretty cool way to walk off stage.

I keep thinking in my head, every moment has its perfect song to match, you know the kind of music you want to walk through life with or take into battle, only to find your voice when the vocals drop.

Well this is kinda one of those songs.

When given lemons...

who the hell makes lemonade?

I prefer to grumble on their lack of size or dwell that they are not worthy. Shit I couldn't squeeze a lemon anyway. Being a nail bitter they sting my cuticles.

I'm convinced lemons are better left whole, to be used as weapons on those who gave them to you. I don't do positive, well atleast not today.

Our roots in music.

This is a classic compilation of Motown's greatest all on the same stage... Ridiculous style, unreal vocals. Sit back listen and learn.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Seeking color

From a good day getting lost in my new city. Found a few things I like.

It's amazing how much clearer one sees when not distracted and alone. Sick colors.

Lichtenstein, Burton, Warhol, Wesson

Supporting Creativity.

This one is a personal favorite. Shot in one consecutive take and recorded without post production audio, Nyle Emerson (then NYU senior) created a truly original senior thesis

Kind of an amazing feat considering the budget and required collaboration by fellow classmates. Overall its a cool take on a music video. Kid deserves an A.

-Let the Beat Build (Nyle)

My 30 second elevator pitch.....

Not gonna lie, I'm not too sure how this experiment is going to work.

My justification: I have all these things in my head that need to get out, when in reality, I'm writing due to a ridiculous fear of some jerky shrink who wields power through a paper diploma. I am not a fantastic writer (my grammar and prose will prove as I ramble on) however I will be honest and entertaining. I'll try and share all things interesting and my hope is we'll learn something from each other. I promise only to get better with age and will be considerate to any comments or important thoughts you may have. I mean this blog is for me, however I aim to please.

I like everything other than what I'm doing at any particular moment. ADD is a son-of-a-bitch, food is better than sex, and today's obsession will become tomorrow's nightmare. I'm in the middle of my proverbial quarterlife crisis, although 2 years too late. Not sure if I am going to have the balls to shake things up but I will try to document it as best as possible. It may take me a while to find my blogger voice, but I will gain direction and maybe even make sense. That sums me up at this moment.

Holy shit i just posted something to the Internet, I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. Oh well.....